Our offices are open for in-person sessions, welcoming new and existing clients. Telehealth (video) sessions are also available as needed.
High-touch points are cleaned regularly. Your therapist will open and close interior doors for you in most cases, and hand sanitizer is freely available in the waiting room and hallway.
Our building is equipped with the air purifying system, via the HVAC system. We want our clients and staff breathing the cleanest air possible, regardless of where we are in the seasonal fluctuations of Covid-19.
Face coverings?
We trust that you will make the best decision for you regarding face coverings. Feelings and beliefs vary widely when it comes to wearing masks these days. State guidelines do continue to require face masks in healthcare settings at this time.
Face coverings are notrequired in the therapy room because we are able to maintain appropriate distance between therapist and clients, and do not engage in physical contact during sessions. That said, we affirm our clients’ ability to make decisions regarding their well-being and are open to wearing face coverings during session if you feel it is appropriate in your case.
We believe facial expressions and nonverbal cues are an important part of the therapeutic relationship. These are difficult to observe when face coverings are worn. The importance of connecting with our clients is a factor in our stance on face coverings.
Symptoms or exposure to communicable illness?
Please inform your therapist ahead of time if you have symptoms or suspect exposure to COVID-19 or other communicable illness. Your appointment may be switched to a Telehealth session or rescheduled, depending on your preference and therapist’s availability.
You must be 24 hours fever-free without fever-reducing medications, and other symptoms must be improving, before you can return to in-person sessions after you have been ill.
If you have a confirmed positive COVID-19 test, you may return to in-person sessions after at least 5 days since your first positive COVID-19 result, provided you have been fever free for 24 hours at the time of your appointment. This is per updated CDC guidance.